In order to set you up for success we believe strongly in providing evidence based treatment for your particular needs, we work with our clients to help understand what that might look like whether it’s just the one service or perhaps a combination of services.

Individual Counselling
In addiction, substance use is seen as the first layer of our problems. One-to-one counseling helps identify and address the underlying issues that are the driving force of addiction.
Day Programs
Day programs are very similar to residential programs in nature but differ in that you go home at the end of the day. They usually provide skill building type programming that runs for a set number of weeks.
Family Services
Substance use impacts not only the individual that is using, it impacts the whole family. Providing help and support where possible not just for you but for the whole family, can set you up for success.
Residential Treatment
Residential treatment is available following a comprehensive assessment. Whilst we intend to bring residential treatment back in-house, currently we don't have that facility and as such will refer to other programs in your community where appropriate.
Telehealth Services
Skype (video counselling), online support, telephone counselling,
text and instant messaging are all collectively known as ‘Telehealth’ services. Committed to providing innovative and equal care to all our clients, we offer Skype counselling and plan to introduce IM and text services as we expand our services.
Opioid Free Pain Service
CIRP is now offering to members of the BCBTs and CLRA a drug free pain service. Within the context of the opioid epidemic and the number of construction workers dying, this new Pain Service takes an innovative evidence based approach to tackling the issue of pain without prescribing pills and medications!